Webinar “Latent Growth Curve Modelling with Mplus”

Dr Jonathan Wörn

Senior researcher, Oslo Metropolitan University


Date: April 4, 10:00 –12:00

Duration: 2 hours

Platform: ZOOM (registration is required)


How does a certain characteristic develop over time? From which level does the development start? And what is the effect of certain variables on both the starting level and the development over time?

Latent growth curve models are a type of structural equation models that can be used to answer such questions. Given repeated (i.e., longitudinal) observations of a certain characteristic, latent growth curve models provide estimates of trajectories characterized by a starting level and a slope (linear or non-linear). Furthermore, the estimated latent intercept and latent slope can be used as both outcomes and predictors of other characteristics in more extended models.

In this webinar, participants will be introduced to the basic concepts of latent growth curve modelling. Furthermore, there will be live demonstrations of these models using Mplus.


Participants are expected to have a basic understanding of structural equation modelling. A basic understanding of the Mplus-software is expected, for example from participating in the introductory session of this series of webinars.

You can download a demo version of Mplus from this link (but note the limited range of functions): http://www.statmodel.com/demo.shtml.      
Please have Mplus installed on your computers before the start of the webinar!

Optional readings

Curran, P. J., Obeidat, K., & Losardo, D. (2010). Twelve Frequently Asked Questions About Growth Curve Modeling. Journal of Cognition and Development: Official Journal of the Cognitive Development Society, 11(2), 121–136. https://doi.org/10.1080/15248371003699969

Terry E. Duncan, Susan C. Duncan (2004). An introduction to latent growth curve modelling. Behavior Therapy, 35(2), 333-363. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0005-7894(04)80042-X

Wickrama, K. A. S., Lee, T. K., O’Neal, C. W., & Lorenz, F. O. (2016). Higher-order growth curves and mixture modeling with Mplus: A practical guide. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315642741 (CHAPTER 2)